Monday, November 8, 2010

1st Quarter Reflections

   In the ending of my junior year my english teacher recommended me in taking AP Literature for my senior year. Thoughts about how my friends and classmates described their AP classes as being difficult or hard came rushing to me at once, causing fear. I thought about this class repeatedly and figured that I should challenge myself my senior year. I signed up for this class and recieved the information that I needed.0 Over the summer I read the books that was required and figured that this isn't as bad as I thought. My first day of senior was approaching rapidly, and I was just about ready to start my year off. My first day in Ap Literature I was a bit nervous but was eased by my classmates, who make the class LIVE! besides that I have a teacher who is LIVE at times as well (LOL) Since everything was broken down and explained well i felt like I could have a great year and accomplish something that I was once afraid of.
   So far I have learned things that I didn't have any idea about, as well as concepts that help me with my other classes. Annotation has really helped me in grasping the concepts of a story as well keeping me interested in articles or books that I read. TPCASTT is another tool that aides me in breaking down and understanding the meanings of poems. This quarter we read Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, which was a great play, that was very interesting. I wrote an essay on this play using the OCEC format, which also aided me. I really enjoy this class, and it is not what I expected at all. Im looking forward to learning more useful tools as well as many more stories, plays and poems to enjoy!

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